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OPINION — I served in the Army with a combat tour as an Infantry officer in Vietnam and am part of a national coalition of veterans who value country over politics.

As July Fourth approaches, we urge all the readers of the St. George News to consider the mood of the country today.

The overwhelming majority of Americans — Republicans, Democrats and Independents — fear this year’s elections will again descend into violence.

Veterans from every state of this republic and every political background swore an oath to the Constitution and are proud and honored to have defended it. Across the country we are asking everyone running for public office to pledge to:

  • Renounce threats of violence and voter intimidation. Use all your platforms to do the same.
  • Respect certified results of the election, and where necessary, the verdict of the courts in adjudicating any election disagreements.

All Americans running for office, please affirm that you will honor our history of peaceful transfers of power, as the framers intended. No more Jan 6ths.

Submitted by Lionel Atwill, St. George

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